
2008src0909 - C16H24CL4N2O3Si2

Sample Originator: P. G. Taylora.

Data Collection: Samantha K. Callearb and Michael B. Hursthouseb

Structure Determination: Samantha K. Callearb.

Open Universitya
University of Southamptonb



Identification Number:10.5258/ecrystals/602
Date Created:25 September 2008
Deposited On:14 Apr 2009 20:07
Deposited By:Dr Samantha K Callear

Data collection parameters

Chemical formulaC16 H24 Cl4 N2 O3 Si2
Crystal morphologyCut Block
Crystal systemmonoclinic
Space group symbolP21/c
Cell length a7.6666(4)
Cell length b18.2992(14)
Cell length c8.9265(5)
Cell angle alpha90.00
Cell angle beta114.370(4)
Cell angle gamma90.00
Data collection temperature120(2)

Refinement results

Solution figure of merit
R Factor (Obs)0.0631
R Factor (All)0.0978
Weighted R Factor (Obs)0.1456
Weighted R Factor (All)0.1604

Citation: Taylor, P. G. and Callear, Samantha K. and Hursthouse, Michael B. (2008) University of Southampton, Crystal Structure Report Archive. (doi:10.5258/ecrystals/602)
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